Change Product Delivery Type Within the left side bar under ACCOUNTS, select Store. This will take you here: Within the horizontal navigation bar, select...
Change Table Label On the left hand sidebar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the desired event. This will...
Change The Vendor For A Product Within the left side bar under ACCOUNTS, select Store. This will take you here: Within the horizontal navigation bar, select...
Change Visibility Date For A Product Within the left side bar under ACCOUNTS, select Store. This will take you here: Within the horizontal navigation bar, select...
CHASSIS: Edit Chassis On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under Events, select Chassis. This will take you here:...
Clear Float Assignments On the left navigation under EVENTS, click on PARADE. You will be taken to this page: In the list of...
Costumes By Float Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Parade. This will take you here: In the Reports box, select Costumes...
Create Event Section Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select your event. This will take...
Create New Gallery Within the left side bar under NEWS & CALENDAR, select Gallery (not the Gallery option at the top of the...
Create New Invoice On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar, select INVOICES under ACCOUNTS. This will take you here:...
Create New Section Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the event that you wish...
Create New Store Within the left side bar under ACCOUNTS, select Store. This will take you here: In the horizontal navigation bar, select...
Create Sub As An Admin Within the left sidebar Member, select Substitute(s). This will take you here: In the horizontal navigation bar, select ‘+Add’. This...
Create Table Layout Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select your event. This will take...
Create Tickets Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select your event. This will take...
Create Tickets For All Active Members Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the desired event. This will...
Customize Public-Facing Event Etail Page Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the event in which you...
Daily Payment Report Within the left side bar under ACCOUNTS, select Payments. This will take you here: In the Reports box, select Daily...
Deactivate Active Products Within the left side bar under ACCOUNTS, select Store. This will take you here: Within the horizontal navigation bar, select...
Deactivate Table Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the event that you wish...
Delete A Table Assignment On the left hand sidebar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the desired event. This will...
Delete Float Image On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under Events, select Parade. This will take you here: Under the...
Delete Invoice Search member (see: Search Members). Select View in the top right corner of the pop up. This will take you here:...
Delete Payment from Invoice For a member other than yourself, select Invoices from the left-hand side navigation bar. Select the desired invoice. A pop-up...
Delete Pictures From An Existing Gallery Within the left side bar under NEWS & CALENDAR, select Gallery (not the Gallery option at the top of the...