Delete Table Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the event that you wish...
Display Previous Balances On the top right hand of the screen, select the gear icon. This will take you here: Within the horizontal...
Edit A Charge Within the left side bar under ACCOUNT, select Charges. This will take you here: In the box titled Charges, scroll...
Edit Agreement On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar, select Agreements under Member. This will take you here: Within the...
Edit Carnival Year On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under Events, select Carnival Year. This will take you here:...
Edit Carnival Year Dues On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under Events, select Carnival Year. This will take you here:...
Edit Chassis Layout On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar, select Chassis. This will take you to this screen: From...
Edit Chassis Levels Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you to this page:...
Edit Chassis Sections Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you to this page:...
Edit Chassis Sides Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you to this page:...
Edit Costume Sizes Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right side of the search bar. This will take you to...
Edit Credit Card Types Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you to...
Edit Date/Time Defaults Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you to...
Edit Event Details Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the event in which you...
Edit Event Section Within the left side bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: Select the event that you wish...
Edit Event Settings On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under Events, select Events. This will take you here: In...
Edit Event Tickets On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under EVENTS, select Events. This will take you here: On...
Edit Float On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under MEMBER, select Group(s). This will take you here: From...
Edit General System Configurations Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you here:...
Edit Invoice Types Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you to...
Edit Login Page Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you here: Within the...
Edit Member Additional Fields Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right side of the search bar. This will take you...
Edit Member Details At the top of the screen is a box titled Search. In this box enter the full or partial name,...
Edit Package Types Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you here:...
Edit Parading Organization On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar under EVENTS, select Parade. This will take you here:...