Search member (see: Search Members).
Select View in the top right corner of the pop up. This will take you here:
In the horizontal navigation bar, select Accounting. This will show drop-down options.
Select + Invoice from drop-down options. This will bring up a pop-up window titled New Invoice. The pop-up will look like this:
Select type of invoice from the drop-down options.
A new field will appear that says Select. Select Charges and Credit OR Store Items & Products. Select from the options that then appear. You will see a screen that looks like this:
Once all applicable options have been selected, press the +Add to Invoice button on the top right. This will show you the invoice.
Select the quantity of the item(s) and if it will be debit or credit.
Click the + Create Invoice button to create the invoice.
On the left-hand side of the screen in the navigation bar, select Invoice(s).
In the horizontal navigation bar, select + Invoice.
Search the member (see: Search Members).
Select the member’s name.
Then follow the steps above starting with the second step: “Go to User Details.”