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  5. Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order
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  6. Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order
  1. Home
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  7. Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order
  1. Home
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  5. Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order
  1. Home
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  4. Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order
  1. Home
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  3. Groups
  4. Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order

Assign Lieutenants/Groups To A Non-Member/Guest Order

Updated for 7.0

Click on the Settings icon (the gear) located to the right of the search bar. This will take you here:

In the horizontal navigation bar, select Events. A drop down will appear. Select Event Defaults. This will take you here:

Within the setting box, use the On/Off toggle to the left of Assign Non Member Orders To Groups.

If this is not on, your system will now allow you to assign Non Members/Guests to a Lieutenant/Group

Once this is on, you will add Non Members/Guests to a Lieutenant/Group as normal.

Follow the directions here to do this.

Updated on September 23, 2024

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