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  4. Edit Settings In Existing Gallery
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  5. Edit Settings In Existing Gallery
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  5. Edit Settings In Existing Gallery
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  4. Edit Settings In Existing Gallery
  1. Home
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  3. Gallery
  4. Edit Settings In Existing Gallery

Edit Settings In Existing Gallery

Updated for 7.0

Within the left side bar under NEWS & CALENDAR, select Gallery (not the Gallery option at the top of the page). This will take you here:

Select the gallery in which you wish to edit the settings. This will take you here:

Within the box titled Gallery Details, select the green button titled Edit. This will take you here:

Fill in the following fields:

  • Upload an image (If you wish. This is not required.)
  • Gallery Title
  • Gallery Description
  • Visible To All – Use the On/Off toggle
  • Start Date
  • End Date (After this date, the gallery will no longer be visible to your members.)
  • Active (This makes it visible to your members.)
  • Gallery Group (This allows you to make this gallery only visible to a specific group.)

Once you have filled in these fields, select the green button titled Update Gallery.

Updated on October 24, 2023

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