At the top of the screen is a box titled Search.
In this box enter the full or partial first name, last name, email address or membership number that you are searching for.
Press Enter OR click on the button with the magnifying glass next to the box.
A list will appear with the result. Click on the name that you are searching for. It will look like this:
A new pop-up window will appear with the member information. It will look like this:
In the top right hand of the pop up screen, select +Invoice. A screen will appear that looks like this:
- First, select the type of invoice using the drop-down menu next to Invoice Type.
- This will prompt a new drop-down menu to appear. To add items to the invoice, select either Charges and Credits or Store Items & Products using this drop-down menu.
- Scroll to find the items you want to add to the invoice, then select the check box to the far left of the screen on the same row as the item.
- After selecting your items, select the green button to the top right of the item list titled Add to Invoice.
- Under each item, select the quantity using the drop-down menu directly under the item’s price.
- For items that are in the Store Items & Products category, select if they will be Pickup or Float Loading using the drop-down menu directly underneath the item quantity.
- For items that are in the Charges and Credits category, select if the payment will be made using Debit/Credit, Debit, or Credit using the drop-down menu directly underneath the item quantity.
After all of the items have been added to the invoice, scroll to the bottom of the window to view the invoice total.
Select the green button at the bottom of the window titled +Create Invoice to add the invoice.