Process Dues

Updated for 7.0

Whether running Membership Dues Invoices for ALL Active members, or reviewing and running any missing Membership Dues Invoices, the Process Dues screen will walk you through the process.

Click the Carnival Year link on the left navigation. The page will look like this:

On the Section top navigation bar, click Process Dues. This will take you here:

Note: This page will review every active user account, expected Dues Rates, Dues Rates processed, and Agreement completed date for the year.  It may take up to a minute or more to load

Here are the details of the columns shown and what they mean:

  • Name – User First and Last Name
  • Dues Type – Dues Type assigned to the User
  • Charge – The Dues Type name, and amount to be assigned to the Dues invoice for the User
  • Dues Created –
    • No Invoice To Create – The system will not create a Dues invoices. Reasons include:
      • No Dues Type Assigned
      • Dues Type is for $0.00
    • + CREATE DUES button – No Dues invoice has been create for the user for this Carnival Year
    • Date (mm/dd/yyyy) – Created date for the User’s Dues invoice
  • Agreement Date

To Process ALL Membership Dues

Click +CREATE ALL DUES at the top of the screen. This process will individually create all remaining active membership dues. It WILL NOT create a duplicate dues invoice for Users that already have a Membership Dues invoice for the active Carnival Year

This process can take several minutes to several hours, depending on the number of Users that will need to have dues created. The page MUST remain open while processing the Membership Dues.

To Process a Specific User Membership Dues

Click +CREATE DUES to the right of the User’s information. When the process is complete, the +CREATE DUES button will be replaced with the date of the new invoice.

Updated on June 5, 2023

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